The Nutcracker Ballet: December 10 – 7pm & December 11 – 1pm at Stephens Auditorium. Click here to learn more!

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Ballroom Classes

Experience the Magic of Ballroom

Grab your friends at the dancenter for a dance! Ballroom is a social style of dance most often done with partners at the biggest moments of your life. Prepare for weddings, formals, social events through ballroom classes at Robert Thomas Dancenter. We offer a traditional ballroom class, along with different styles covered in short combination sessions. Learn the art of ballroom and let your emotions flow with your friends at the dancenter.

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ballroom dancing couple

Ballroom Classes

Grades 5-12, Adults

Are you planning a special occasion and would like some ballroom dance lessons? Let the Dancenter help you! We offer private ballroom lessons for couples. Please contact the Dancenter for information.