The Nutcracker Ballet: December 10 – 7pm & December 11 – 1pm at Stephens Auditorium. Click here to learn more!

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Lyrical Classes

Experience the Magic

Lyrical dance is a style that combines elements of jazz and ballet and is characterized by its expressive and flowing movements. Dancers mirror the lyrics and emotion of music through fluid and emotional movements. Students will learn a variety of lyrical dance techniques such as extensions, leaps, and turns. These classes are a great way for students to develop a unique style and interpretive skills. 

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Middle School Lyrical

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High School Lyrical

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Advanced Lyrical

Lyrical Dance Team
Lyrical Dance Team

Lyrical Classes

Grades 5-12

Lyrical dance is a dance style that blends elements of ballet and jazz dance. It is generally a little more fluid than ballet and somewhat faster, although not as rapidly executed as jazz dance.

A lyrical dancer uses movement to express strong emotions, such as love, joy, or anger. Dancers often perform to music with lyrics. The lyrics of the chosen song serve as inspiration for the dancers’ movements and expressions. Music used for lyrical dance is typically emotionally charged and expressive. The music genres used in lyrical dance include pop, rock, blues, hip-hop, ethnic and world music and different forms of “downtown” contemporary music, such as minimalism.

Movements in lyrical dance are characterized by fluidity and grace, with the dancer flowing seamlessly from one move to another, holding finishing steps as long as possible. Leaps are exceptionally high and soaring, and turns are fluid and continuous.

Requirements: Dancers are enrolled in Advanced Jazz.

Available Classes

Grades 5-12

  • Lyrical 1